CCT – Certification in Cyber Tactics
Red & Blue Course.
Course Overview
This course provides the knowledge to deploy the tools and techniques needed for Red-Blue teams. In this course we will be introduced to the basis arsenal of the Red-Blue teams, reconnaissance, decoy attacks and physical penetration testing. This course will give the participants the tools to afford the opportunity to challenge the organization’s defenses realistically.
Target Audience
Cyber Security Executives, Cyber Security Staff, Cyber Investigators and Analysts who need a general understanding of cyber security and cyber operations in practice.
Number of Students:
80 (Eighty) on merit basis
Entry Requirements:
This course is .
Topics Covered in this Course
• Apply countermeasures to secure systems against known threats.
• Test your network for security flaws using ethical hacking techniques.
• Implement real-world hacking techniques to test system security.
• Employ complex tools to identify and analyze target systems risks and
• Find vulnerabilities in a network / web infrastructure.
• Understand Social Engineering attacks.
Course Outline
1. Introduction – Elements of IS, Bash Scripting, Python in a nutshell, dedicated
2. Hackers Methodology – Reconnaissance, Penetration and House keeping
3. Ethical Issues – Vulnerability research, Bug Bounty programs, Locating Online sources
4. Networks Mapping and System/Service Enumeration
5. OS Hacking – Linux/Windows overview, password cracking, privilege escalation
6. Trojans and Backdoors – Online Sources, Recognizing key indicators, analysing worms and malware
7. Social Engineering Attacks – Symptoms and Techniques
8. Denial of Service Attacks – analysis, implementation, mitigation
9. Web Application Security – Overview, Common attack techniques: SQL, XSS, LFI, RFI
10. Men In The Middle Attacks – tcpdump and wireshark introduction, Working with proxy servers, HTTP Proxy, Spoofing traffic, session hijacking.
11. Reversing and exploitation – Buffer overflow and HEAP attacks, working with disassembler and debuggers, Payloads and shellcode construction, exploitation framework.
12. Virology – introduction to malicious code types, rootkits, trojan horses, bypassing antivirus / firewall, infection framework.
13. Wireless and Radio Security – 802.11 architecture and terminology – Cracking WEP/WPA2 protocols-Tools and equipment.